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29 Aprile 2001

Antwerpen (Belgio) - La regina Paola del Belgio visita la Comunità di Sant'Egidio

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Domenica 29 aprile 2001 la Comunità di Sant'Egidio del Belgio e dei Paesi Bassi ha celebrato l'anniversario della comunità con una liturgia solenne nella cattedrale di Anversa presieduta dal Cardinal Cassidy e concelebrata da vari vescovi belgi e olandesi. Erano presenti più di 1.500 persone, tra cui la regina Paola del Belgio.

Il saluto di S.E. Card. Cassidy al termine della liturgia

I am very pleased this evening to celebrate this anniversary with you and to preside over our liturgy. I consider myself as some honorary member of the Community of Sant'Egidio, though I am not sure if I am accepted as such by the Community. But I have followed the activities of the Community very closely since I first met in the Netherlands at the time of the visit of John Paul II. And it is really a great joy to see how the Community has grown here in Belgium and in the Netherlands. 

I don't think that at that time we could have imagined celebrating such a liturgy here in Antwerp this afternoon. And we really give great thanks to God for that and congratulations also to those of you who have brought this idea to this part of the world and who have promoted it with such fruitfulness.

I am very grateful also to the bishops who have come here from Belgium and the Netherlands to be with me and the priests and then to the metropolitan Pantaleimon who is such a great friend for many years now and all the representatives of the churches that are here.

These are all signs of the wonderful progress that has been made in the recent years in the work of our understanding each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and coming closer together under the sign of the ressurection.

To all of you then I bring also I'm sure the blessing and the best wishes of Pope John Paul II. I think he too, if he were here this afternoon, would appreciate and for that reason I think I can take the liberty of saying that he joins me in wishing you all the greatest joy in this Easter Season and great fruit for all the the work you do.


 Rassegna Stampa

Le cardinal Cassidy à Anvers pour les 33 ans de Sant'Egidio

Agence CIP - 02/05/2001 - FRANÇAIS


De Nieuwe Gazet - 30/04/2001 - NEDERLANDS


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