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17 De Novembre 2008

Cyprus hosts inter-faith dialogue for peace

versió imprimible

NICOSIA, Nov.16 (Xinhua) -- Leaders of Christian churches and other religions from the world gathered here Sunday to foster mutual knowledge and commitment to develop inter-faith dialogue and peace.
Addressing the opening ceremony of "the Civilization of Peace: Faiths and Cultures in Dialogue," Cyprus President Demetris Christofias said that everybody feels proud of his culture and tradition but also has the obligation to respect and tolerate other faiths to help secure peace beyond the boundaries of religion and cultures.
"There is room on our small planet for all civilizations and all different religious denominations to the benefit of mankind and his happiness," he said.
Christofias added that he is working for peace and reconciliation of the communities of Cyprus and in this spirit has undertaken initiatives to begin a dialogue to reunite the country.
The three-day meeting, organized by the Church of Cyprus in cooperation with the Saint Egidio Community, provides a forum for the exchange of views on concerns of mutual interest aiming at contributing to world peace.

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