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19 Januar 2011

Church lay association brings happiness to poor Indonesians


Poor people in Jakarta have expressed gratitude for the events and services provided by Sant’Egidio Community, the Church lay association.

Trisno, 83, who works as a scavenger, said he and his wife, with their children and grandchildren regularly attend events organized by the community.

“I thank the community for paying attention to my family although we are from different religion,” said Katijah, a 12-year-old Muslim girl. The elementary student added that she is very happy to get parcels, play and sing together with friends, when she joins in the community’s activities.

“Through the events we want to promote dialogue and interaction regardless of ethnic and religious backgrounds,” said Ignatius Teguh Budiono, the community’s chief event organizer.

Budiono said the community invites poor Indonesians to attend Christmas, Easter and breakfast festivities in order to unite them. “In this way they can see their neighbors as friends,” he said.

The activities are also organized by the community’s local offices in different dioceses nationwide.

“I am happy because each Christmas I can eat together with others,” said Trisno. He is among the usual hundreds of poor people, scavengers, beggars, homeless children and others who live on the streets, as well as residents from Islamic and Catholic orphanages and nursing homes, that the community serves.

At present the Sant’Egidio Community in Jakarta serves some 200 poor children and about 300 poor adults including the elderly.

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