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NO to the Death Penalty
International Campaign
       Comunità di Sant'Egidio

May 2004

31/05/04  Kenya
Music and dance at the High Court when six men sentenced to hang were set free by a two-judge appellate court.  (EN) 

31/05/04  Sud Carolina/USA
James Neil Tucker was executed with electric chair.  (IT) 

31/05/04  Iran
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Is Unlikely to Hang Dissident Aghajari-Lawyer. (IT-EN) 

29/05/04  Urgent  Appeals
Now you can send our urgent appeals on-line, directly from our web-site!

29/05/04  Florida/USA
John Blackwelder, 49, was executed after a 24-hours-stay.  (IT-EN) 

27/05/04  USA

Supreme Court to hear arguments about whether federal law should continue to permit executions of 16 /17-year-olds convicted of murder.  (EN) 

27/05/04  Uganda

Fr. Agostoni and his 43 years in Uganda, close to the inmates on death row.  (IT-EN-FR) 

24/05/04  Florida/USA

Florida Plans to Mark Death Penalty's Return with execution of a volunteer.  (EN) 

24/05/04  Uganda

Govt. to reduce crimes punishable with the death penalty. Waiting for the abolition.  (EN) 

24/05/04  Kazakistan

President Nazarbayev favors full abolition of death penalty.  (EN) 

24/05/04  Texas/USA

Mental health experts have evaluated Scott Panetti and found him competent to be executed.  (EN) 

24/05/04  Massachusetts/USA

Archbishop of Boston Sean O'Malley denounces governor's death penalty proposal.   (EN) 

23/05/04  Italia

On May 26th in Mantua the presentation of the Forum of the Cities against the death penalty.  (EN) 

23/05/04  Texas/USA-Honduras

Honduras Asks Texas to Commute 2 Sentences.  (EN) 

23/05/04  Birmania

Burmese Court Overturns Death Sentence For 9 Prisoners.  (EN-ES) 

22/05/04  USA/Honduras

Cardinal Oscar A. Rodriguez Madariaga urges US to end the death penalty and supports the effort to remove 2 Honduras men from death row in Texas.   (EN) 

22/05/04  United Nations

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to urge Libyan Govt. to avoid 6 esecutions.  (EN) 

21/05/04  Sudan    Urgent Appeal

Alakor (Madina) Lual Deng - Sentenced to death by stoning.   (EN) 

21/05/04  Africa

Africa: Moving towards abolition of the death penalty.  (EN) 

19/05/04  Texas/USA

Kelsey Patterson, 50, who was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, was executed. (IT-EN) 

19/05/04  USA

High court justice: U.S. would be better off without death penalty. (EN) 

17/05/04  Oklahoma/USA-Messico

Just days before the scheduled execution of Osvaldo Torres, a Mexican foreign national on Oklahoma�s death row, Governor Brad Henry granted a request for clemency.   (IT-EN) 

17/05/04  Texas/USA

James Allridge to be executed on August 26th. We renew the invitation to send our urgent appeal.   (EN) 

17/05/04  Zambia

Fight to Abolish the Death Penalty.  (EN) 

17/05/04  Iran

Iranian dissident refuses to appeal new death sentence.  (IT-EN) 

14/05/04  Messico/USA

Fox Urges Oklahoma Not to Execute Mexican.  (EN) 

14/05/04  Tajikistan

President Rakhmonov to announce moratorium on capital punishment.  (EN) 

14/05/04  Japan

Gov't urged to disclose more info on executions.  (EN) 

13/05/04  World Coalition

Second Congress of the World Coalition against the Death Penalty in October in Montreal.  (FR) 

10/05/04  Zambia

President Mwanawasa commuted 15 death sentences.   (FR) 

08/05/04  Libia

After the encouraging words of Gheddafi on the capital puinishment, 6 Bulgarian medics and a Palestinian doctor to death "deliberately infecting hundreds of Libyan children with the deadly HIV virus". The reactions in the world. (IT-EN) 

06/05/04  Nigeria

On internet a false appeal for Amina, but that's a spoof story. She was acquitted definitively in 2003.  (IT-EN) 

06/05/04  ONU

Former Illinois Governor Ryan at UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva launched a new appeal for the world moratorium of executions.  (EN) 

05/05/04  Sud Africa

No Constitutional Change In Sight, no reintroduction of the death penalty: Mbeki.   (EN) 

01/05/04  Indonesia

Illegal loggers will be punished with the death penalty. (EN)