<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Down with the grey - Dipinti e disegni di artisti disabili
Down with the grey! in Strasbourg
Illustrated catalogue
Visit the exhibition online
1 "The Friends" poster
2 The happiness of diversity
3 The handicap and I
4 Handicap and solidarity
5 Handicap and rights
6 The other communication
7 "The Friends"
   against the death penalty
8 We want a city
   without barriers or walls
   between the people
9 Handicap and faith
"The Friends" poster
We are many, but we know everybody's name
We are many,
but we know
everybody's name
Acrylic on paper, cm 30,5 x 22,5
Michaela Hofmann

Michaela expresses herself verbally with difficulty. This picture is emblematic of her relationship with “The Friends“.
As she says, they represent a new family that makes her happy. Taking inspiration from Paul Klee's work, Michaela found her own way to communicate through art using bright colours and the gaiety of familiarity and friendship.

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