<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Down with the grey - Dipinti e disegni di artisti disabili
Down with the grey! in Strasbourg
Illustrated catalogue
Visit the exhibition online
1 "The Friends" poster
2 The happiness of diversity
3 The handicap and I
4 Handicap and solidarity
5 Handicap and rights
6 The other communication
7 "The Friends"
   against the death penalty
8 We want a city
   without barriers or walls
   between the people
9 Handicap and faith
Handicap and solidarity

“ To be able to count on a disabled person is a
luck which doesn't often happen, but when
it happens it must be grasped at once”
Adriana C.

African market
African market
Acrilic on board
spread with rolls and sponges;
using cut-outs,
cm 98 x 74
Thomas Beuschel

Thomas, who can't speak because of a spastic tetraparalysis, has entrusted his painting with a hopeful message for Africa.
In order to make it he has drawn inspiration from an everyday's life scene painted on a batik, but he has completely reinterpretated the model, replacing very bright colours to the dark original ones.
The background, of an intense green with yellow veins, is a sign of fertility, while the baskets full of fruits on the women's heads are a wealth wish for those countries.
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