<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Down with the grey - Dipinti e disegni di artisti disabili
Down with the grey! in Strasbourg
Illustrated catalogue
Visit the exhibition online
1 "The Friends" poster
2 The happiness of diversity
3 The handicap and I
4 Handicap and solidarity
5 Handicap and rights
6 The other communication
7 "The Friends"
   against the death penalty
8 We want a city
   without barriers or walls
   between the people
9 Handicap and faith
Handicap and rights

“ We all are equal. We have to give
a lift to everybody, a job to everybody,
something to everybody”
Franca P .

The right of life
The right of life
Sponge-down of tempera,
paper and fabric collage,
cut-outs previously painted,
cm 100 x 70
Rina Cananella, Noemi Casoni, Alessandro Di Ianni, Debora Pontoni, Daniela Sponticchia

A collective work, made by four friends with different disabilities, expresses in a remarkable way the right each life has to find space and to be welcomed.
The woman in the middle holds in her lap a Down child, at the sides two women look at her: one seems perplexed, the other smiles.
The couple and the spikes are symbols of life and fertility: the great sun is above everyone, health and disabled people; it invites all, also who is perplexed, not to deny anybody of the possibility to live because, as the authors have said, “life is life and it must be protected”.

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