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'Fazer Paz - a diplomacia de Sant'Egidio' está a venda

Na véspera do Quinquagésimo, um livro para entender o trabalho para a paz de Sant'Egidio

As palavras do Papa Francisco na marcha Paz em todas as terras

versão para impressão
13 Setembro 2011 18:35 | Marienplatz

Final Ceremony - Edith Dunia Daliwonga

Edith Dunia Daliwonga

Community of Sant’Egidio, DRC

    My name is Edith Dunia Daliwonga and I come from the Democratic Republic of Congo, from the Great Lakes Region in Africa, which has been through a terrible war, with an endless series of acts of violence that still continue to this day, especially against the weak: women, children and elderly people. I was born in 1985 in Bukavu. I was 9 years old at the time of the genocide in Rwanda and starting in 1994 I grew up in an atmosphere of war and violence. I belong to a generation which has only seen war and violence: one could say a generation lost and hopeless. Indeed, without peace there is no future and no hope. For human beings war and violence are like a storm, and how easy it is to shipwreck! The only way we can be saved is together, if we do not abandon anyone to a destiny of violence and poverty. Do not abandon Africa!

    For this reason for all of us young Africans Sant’Egidio is a name of peace and hope. And I thank the Community very much for its work in Africa. It is a sign that reminds us that God has not forgotten us and there is always a future if we begin to live for others. In the Community I have grown up together with many people who are not from my country, nor of my ethnic group: people from Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, a mixture of all ethnic groups, Africans and Europeans together… I have learnt to overcome prejudices and understand that we are bound to live together and violence and separation are not our future.

    During these days here in Munich I have seen that the world can change. Here there is a new vision: we may be different from each other and come from all over the world, but we have proven that we can live one beside the other and not one against the other. Today I am full of joy. It stems from these three days during which I learnt to look at the other considering him a gift of God, who is essential to live together and build the future.

12 Setembro 2017

LIVE STREAMING da conclusão de #PathsofPeace: às 17 horas oração cristã e às 18:30 cerimónia final

ES | FR | PT | CA
10 Setembro 2017

Andrea Riccardi: 'O desmesurado gigante da globalização precisa de alma'

IT | EN | DE | PT
10 Setembro 2017

MERKEL em #stradedipace: parar os traficantes de morte, abrir os canais legais. Obrigado a Sant'Egidio pelos #corridoiumanitari

IT | EN | DE | PT | NL
10 Setembro 2017

A cerimónia de inauguração #Pathsofpeace: ASSISTA AO VÍDEO

IT | EN | ES | FR | PT | NL
10 Setembro 2017

Começa Caminhos de Paz em Münster - em milhares para a abertura. Chegou a Chanceler Angela Merkel, o grande Imã de Al-Azhar e centenas de representantes das religiões mundiais

IT | EN | DE | PT | NL
10 Setembro 2017

Papa Francisco no encontro "Caminhos de Paz": "para vencer a indiferença diante de guerras e violência. A Europa é mais aberta e unida"

IT | EN | ES | DE | PT | NL
todas as novidades
23 Fevereiro 2018

"Wir können Frieden organisieren wie andere den Krieg"

1 Fevereiro 2018

50° Comunità Sant’Egidio: Hilarion (Patriarcato di Mosca), “la nostra una collaborazione che ha dato tanti buoni frutti”

30 Janeiro 2018

Corridoi umanitari: la collaborazione ecumenica via della speranza

26 Janeiro 2018
POW - Pressestelle des Ordinariates Würzburg

Angst und Lethargie überwinden

15 Janeiro 2018
Roma sette

Ecumenismo, in processione con anglicani, luterani e ortodossi

15 Dezembro 2017

Im Mittelpunkt steht das Gebet für den Frieden

toda a crítica de imprensa
23 Janeiro 2018 | BARCELONA, ESPANHA

Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos


Andrea Riccardi - Oriente y Occidente - Diálogos de civilización

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