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September 20 2005

In Wongi, Ethiopia, back to school with the support from the families of the Community of Sant'Egidio of Ostia

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September 20 2017

Let us help Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

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September 11 2017

The memory of the massacre of Debre Lebanos in Ethiopia carried out by the Italians. Ian Campbell: "We need to keep alive the memory, we cannot lower our watch"

IT | EN | DE
June 20 2017

Central African Republic: an agreement for immediate cease-fire and a road map to peace was signed at Sant'Egidio

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June 3 2017

South Sudan humanitarian crisis in the meeting between Sant'Egidio and an international delegation of special envoys

April 25 2017

Youth, Africa and interreligious dialogue at the centre of the meeting between Andrea Riccardi and Angela Merkel

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March 20 2017

Congress of the representatives of the Communities of Sant'Egidio of Africa and Latin America took place in Rome

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all the news
February 27 2018
Vatican Insider

Corridoi umanitari, 114 profughi dall’Etiopia. Galantino: no allo sciacallaggio politico

February 27 2018

Cei. Atterrati a Roma 113 profughi. «La cooperazione fra istituzioni fa miracoli»

February 27 2018
Agenzia SIR

Corridoi umanitari: Impagliazzo (Comunità Sant’Egidio), “polemiche politiche finiranno ma il futuro è nell’integrazione”

February 27 2018
La Repubblica

Profughi, dal Corno d'Africa a Roma corridoio umanitario per 114 persone

February 27 2018

Corridoi umanitari: 114 nuovi arrivi dall’Etiopia

February 26 2018
Agenzia SIR

Corridoi umanitari: Caritas-Sant’Egidio-Gandhi Charity, “un modello di successo per un mondo più giusto”

the entire press review
October 31 2014

Inaugurata a Bukavu la campagna "Città per la vita"

October 12 2014
All Africa

Africa: How the Death Penalty Is Slowly Weakening Its Grip On Africa

September 20 2014

In Ciad rischio criminalizzazione gay, ma abolizione pena morte

September 20 2014

Ciad: il nuovo codice penale prevede l'abolizione della pena di morte

go to no death penalty

''Entente de Sant'Egidio'': Political Agreement for Peace in the Central African Republic

Libya: The humanitarian agreement for the region of Fezzan, signed at Sant'Egidio on June 16th 2016 (Arabic text)

Declaration of the African Union on the Republican Pact"

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