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March 22 2016


Brussels, Sant'Egidio: "The Capital of Europe has been struck; sorrow and solidarity with the victims. Let's remain united and work for peace"

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Today two terrible attacks hit Brussels, capital of Belgium and the heart of Europe, causing many casualties. Terrorism continues its mad dash towards horror, killing innocent people and spreading fear. In these moments of sorrow the first thoughts are for the victims, for the injured and their families, so badly affected and proved by the suicidal madness of the terrorists.

After Paris, Beirut, Bamako, Ouagadougou, Grand Bassam, Istanbul, Tunis and other cities, it is the turn of the capital of Europe, which embodies the hopes of unity and peace. Terror wants to harm coexistence and the dream of uniting countries and peoples. It wants to pollute the social environment, instilling fear, leading us to react according violent logic that feed hatred and separation. Let's not surrender to that project. Let's remain united. Only union, the one dreamed of by the founding fathers of Europe, can preserve our life and our future.

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At a prayer at Old S.Patrick Cathedral Sant'Egidio remembers those who lost their life for guns in the US in 2017

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March 23 2017

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