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September 8 2016 | OAKLAND, UNITED STATES

Mercy, the Heart of Peace: Prayer and dialogue for peace in the Spirit of Assisi

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On September 6th, the Diocese of Oakland with the Community Sant'Egidio organized the first meeting of the Spirit of Assisi on the West Coast, a vibrant world and seat of diversity overlooking the great East.

The meeting "Mercy: the Heart of Peace '' was attended by over six hundred people from the city. It began with a moment of prayer for the Oakland's five most represented religions: Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus. This was followed by a roundtable panel during which spoke the Romanian Orthodox Bishop Ioan Casian of Vicina, Rabbi Daniel Sperber of Jerusalem who will be present in the International Meeting "Thirst for Peace" in Assisi, and Professor Musdah Mulia.  The meeting ended in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Light with a candlelight procession and the signing of an Appeal for Peace.

Many participants expressed their appreciation for the whole event and gratitude to the Community for bringing to this area the spirit of dialogue and friendship that is characteristic of the Assisi international meeting.

The embrace of peace that was exchanged at the meeting's conclusion was in fact the beginning of a new journey together that has come through California!

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