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July 11 2017 | BENIN

Benin: Sant'Egidio opens in Savé a Family House for elderly in need

Many people at the inauguration to give a warm welcome to the first guests of the house

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Pierre and Faki are two elderly from the town of Savé, in Benin. They lived alone, Pierre can't move because of a pharalysis, while Faki used to sleep outdoors after that the rain destroyed the roof of his shack.

On July 7th, it was one of the most beautiful days in their life, they entered the Family House just built by the Community of Sant'Egidio for the elderly of Savé, inaugurated on that day during a ceremony with many friends, young and elderly from different parts of Benin.

Savé's bishop Mgr. François Gnohossou, Parakou's achbishop Mgr. Pascal N'Koué, and representatives of local authorities attended the inauguration to accompany these two elderly in their new home.

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