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In London there is a table ready for the poor: it's called ''Our Cup of Tea''. The video by BBC

The video of the British TV channel about the special dinner of elederly and homeless in London with the Community of Sant'Egidio

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There is a place in London, in High Street Kensington, where poor people, homeless and elderly meet together for a special dinner: it is ''Our Cup of Tea'' with the Community of Sant'Egidio.

Tired of a world that lives by the phrase "it's not my cup of tea" well too often when it comes to caring for others, the Community of Sant'Egidio in London organises this event for older guests and friends living in the streets called "Our Cup of Tea". Started as an afternoon tea, it soon developed into a warm dinner and an occasion to catch up and celebrate birthdays together.

In order to make it happen, the Community has partnered up with different food charities and businesses that provide the raw food to be prepared, one of which is the Felix Project. The joy of being together becomes contagious and in this way, a wonderful celebration develops where bread and laughters are shared and friendship blossoms.

Watch the video about "Our Cup of Tea", from "The Big Food Rescue" on BBC One.

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