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October 18 2011 | KENYA

Drought in the Horn of Africa: Another distribution of Food in the North of Kenya

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Gli aiuti della Comunità di Sant'Egidio per l'emergenza nel Corno d'Africa, 13/10/2011On Thursday, 13th October a new mission with aid from the Community of Sant’Egidio of Kenya was accomplished in the district of East Pokot, 300 km North of Nairobi. The area, with its population of 13.000 people, was struck by the drought and will have to face a long period of famine.

The food distribution, consisting in some dozens of tons of maize, beans and oil, took place in Kositei and Chemolingot, at the local missionary post of the Nakuru Diocese, and reached hundreds of families.

The young people of the Communities of Sant’Egidio of Kenya carried out the distribution (you can recognize them in the pictures as they wear blue shirts with the Sant’Egidio logo). Their involvement is extremely important. First of all it must be said that their commitment is completely free, which means that the funding can be used exclusively for the aid. Besides this, their presence guarantees a direct contact with the population hit by the drought, which means a more profound comprehension of their problems and their needs.

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