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March 1 2012

Holy Week with the Community of Sant'Egidio

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Liturgia delle Palme Sunday, April 1

Palm Sunday


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Tuesday, April 2

Memory of the Martyrs of our Time


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Thursday, April 5

Memory of the Last Supper


IT | EN | ES | DE | FR Friday, Aprile 6

Via Crucis


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Sunday, April 8

The Easter of Resurrection


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September 29 2017

Sunday of the Word of God, a celebration that puts Bible at center of liturgy and life

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September 1 2017

September 1st, memory of Saint Egidio. The Community that took his name give thanks in every part of the world

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June 11 2017

At a prayer at Old S.Patrick Cathedral Sant'Egidio remembers those who lost their life for guns in the US in 2017

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April 8 2017

Holy Week and Easter of Resurrection 2017 with the Community of Sant'Egidio

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March 20 2017

Congress of the representatives of the Communities of Sant'Egidio of Africa and Latin America took place in Rome

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March 1 2017

Ash Wednesday, Lent season begins

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all the news
February 27 2018

Cei. Atterrati a Roma 113 profughi. «La cooperazione fra istituzioni fa miracoli»

February 26 2018
Roma sette

Congo e Sud Sudan, Gnavi: «La liberazione ha il nome di Gesù»

February 25 2018

"Gräben zuschütten"

February 25 2018

Kardinal Marx fordert mehr Engagement für Einheit der Menschen

February 25 2018

„Gräben zuschütten, Spaltungen überwinden“

February 24 2018

Im Dienst der karitativen Arbeit

the entire press review
January 23 2018 | BARCELONA, SPAIN

Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos


L'omelia di Mons. Marco Gnavi alla preghiera Morire di Speranza, in memoria dei profughi morti nei viaggi verso l'Europa

Preghiera per Elard Alumando

Predicazione di Mons. Vincenzo Paglia alla veglia di preghiera per la pace e in memoria delle vittime degli attacchi terroristici a Parigi

Dove Napoli 2015

Comunità di Sant'Egidio: Brochure Viva gli Anziani

Analisi dei risultati e dei costi del programma "Viva gli Anziani"

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