"Young people are disoriented, do they turn to violence in search of their identity. Educate, build communities, strengthen families is the only answer". Jaime Aguilar, responsible of the Community of Sant'Egidio for Central America and experienced in the phenomenon of maras, gangs raging in El Salvador, agrees in his analysis with experts and witnesses from different areas of conflict: from the difficult coexistence between Muslims and Christians in Pakistan, to Burundi wounded by genocide, to the Balkans and North Europe, shakened one year ago by the murderous violence of the massacre in Oslo.
In Sarajevo, during the International Meeting "Living together is the future", organized by the Community of Sant'Egidio, there was this morning a panel titled " Education, Living Together, Peace" and the discussion started by an analysis of the world, where aggression is becoming more and more widespread, as a response to the difficulties.
"Even television and other media - said Vice President of Ideasolidarité, Augusto Forti - exalt violence. In view of this situation there is a lack in education systems, first of all in family and school." What is missing is the ability to create communities, giving identity other than that conferred by the gangs or hostility to other ethnic groups. "Today the great world religion is individualism - said Stanislav Hocevar, Catholic Metropolitan Archbishop of Belgrade - and in front of this historical religions have a responsibility and must work together to overcome conflicts and give more emphasis to common points rather than differences". |