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Civil registry office at Namina

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"Bravo!": The new civil registry office in the most populous region of Mozambique. On 7 June, the lady Minister of Justice of Mozambique visited the “Posto do registo” (office for the registration of the civil status) at Namina, in the Mecuburi district built by the Bravo programme! of the Community of Sant'Egidio.


One of the most serious problems for the failure to register the population in Mozambique is the distance that people have to travel to arrive at a civil registry, for this reason, the Bravo programme! decided to reduce distances and, in addition to the mobile teams that register everyone in the country for free, built two new civil registry offices in the countryside of the Moma and Mecuburi districts.

Mecuburi is a district in the province of Nampula, the most populous province in the country. It is a rural district, its population is about 150,000 inhabitants and about 70% of the population is not registered. It is not easy to move around in the district because there is no public transport, so many fail to reach the registry office in order to register their own children.

Today the reality is different: the Mecuburi district has its second civil registry office at Namina. The office was built according to the international civil status criteria, with a room for receiving the public and another one for storing the records, with metal cabinets that protect the records from any bad weather conditions. The lady minister thanked Community of Sant'Egidio for the Bravo programme work! in Mozambique, which helps to make civil status universal and accessible to all, an inalienable right for every child. The office has been running since March 2013.

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