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July 10 2013 | TURIN, ITALY

In San Salvario "a multiethnic neighbourhood"

At Sant'Egidio school, Italian language and culture are learnt

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Big party for the other student centres of the Italian language and culture school of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Turin, in the multiethnic neighbourhood par excellence of San Salvario. The attendance certificateswere handed over in the presence of a delegation of the elderly from the neighbourhood, who congratulated the students for the next school year.

A special guest was a future student Father Samaan, the parish priest of the Egyptian Coptic Church of Turin, whohas recently arrived in the city and immediately asked to study Italian with us. Musicians from different countries played for the occasionIonel and Cesar from Romania, Yassine from Morocco, together with the band of "the Peace People". The courses were attended by students of different ages and backgrounds, there are Pakistani students of the Polytechnic who follow courses in English, but wish to learn Italian in order to live better in the city, illiterate Maghreb Community women who have learnt to write in Italian as their first written language, young Filipinos and Peruvians, all together to learn, besides Italian, the language of friendship.


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