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July 15 2013

Pope Francis at Castelgandolfo

at the end of the Angelus the Pope greeted a group of elderly peopleand The Friends of the Community of Sant'Egidio, onholiday these days in the Castelli Romani

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On the occasion of Pope Francis’Angelus, a delegation of elderly people and of The Friends, the people with disabilities of the Community of Sant'Egidio, who were on holiday these days in the Castelli Romani, went to Castel Gandolfo.

After the Marian prayer, the Pope approached the crowd and greeted with affection one by one all the disabled and the elderly, including the Community group.

The Holy Father congratulated Hirseyo Tuccimei, a woman with disabilities who graduated in cultural anthropology last week, and received, from Maria Raffaella Bertoli, a letter from The Friends and a poem dedicated to him.

January 18 2018

Elderly: the creation of a Minister for Loneliness in the United Kingdom is an alarm bell

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Pope Francis at the meeting "Paths of Peace": "to overcome the ignorance in front of war and violence. Europe should be more open and united"

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July 10 2017

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June 1 2017

The bar 'Friends - Coffee & Books' opens in Antwerp

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April 22 2017

Pope Francis' prayer in memory of the martyrs of our time. Photogallery of the visit

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