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November 19 2013 | BUDAPEST, HUNGARY

An appeal to protect those who live on the street

Sant'Egidio reacts to a law that will make the conditions of the homeless in the Hungarian capital even more difficult, just before winter

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The Community of Sant'Egidio in Budapest appealed to the authorities of the Budapest  City Council to demand that measures of solidarity and not punitive measures be taken towards the homeless.

On 14 November, the Budapest City Council approved a regulation that defines certain areas of the public space where the permanent stay of people becomes prohibited and punishable.

The Community of Sant'Egidio considers that this provision will aggravate the lives of the homeless without giving a real contribution to solving the terrible problem of the many who do not have decent housing and that, unfortunately, die because of the cold.

For this reason, the Community of Sant'Egidio made an appeal so that measures of solidarity and support are taken instead of these punitive provisions.

Although the standard has been approved, Sant'Egidio intends to continue its peaceful but decided struggle to offer solidarity to those living homeless in the severe Hungarian winter.


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