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February 1 2014 | MOSCOW, RUSSIA

In Moscow, the ecumenism of charity brings closer Catholics and Orthodox

Meeting at "St. Tikhon" University for the Russian edition of Sant'Egidio’s book "Charity - Old Word to make a new time"

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On Tuesday 28 January, at orthodox "St. Tikhon" University in Moscow, the Russian edition of the book "Charity. Ancient word to make a new time" (Leonardo International, 2010) was presented. The presentation was included in the official program of the "Christmas Readings", the main cultural event that the Russian Orthodox Church organises every year with the participation of delegates from all the dioceses of the canonical territories of the Moscow Patriarchate. Attending the presentation were: Father Alexei Uminskij (pastor of a parish in Moscow active in charity), Irina Solov'eva (Director of the Department for Social Service of the Faculty of Missiology at St. Tikhon University), Father Oleg Vyshinskij (Director of the service to the homeless from the Commission for charity of the Eparchy of Moscow), Tatyana Zaltzman (Dean professor at the chair of social work of St.Tikhon University), Alessandro Salacone (Community of Sant'Egidio).
All the speakers stressed the ecumenical value of Charity, since the service to the poor approaches the Catholic and Orthodox Churches and pushes them to develop together  answers to the many challenges posed by the present time. Words of appreciation were also expressed in relation to the charity works that Sant'Egidio develops in the world and the collaboration at multiple levels that the Community has pursued for several decades with the Russian Orthodox Church.

The event was sponsored by the Synodal Department for Charity and Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church, with which Sant'Egidio has achieved many initiatives over the years, including the conference: "The Church and the poor. Orthodox and Catholics in the service of charity", held in Moscow on 2 December, 2012. 

The presentation was attended by the "friends of the Community of Sant'Egidio", Orthodox priests, university students, professionals in the field of charity and journalists.

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