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February 8 2014 | ANTWERP, BELGIUM

Antwerpen is preparing the Meeting of Religions for Peace

The Interfaith Harmony breakfast, an opportunity for friendship and conviviality

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On Tuesday 4th February, the Community of Sant'Egidio received about forty representatives of religions and faiths present in Belgium for a breakfast of a religious character.

The initiative is part of the Interfaith Harmony Week, the Week for Harmony between Faiths promoted by King Abdullah of Jordan with the support of the United Nations, which takes place every year in February.

  The breakfast was attended by Catholic bishop of Antwerp Johan Bonny, Apostolic Nuncio Giacinto Berloco, Orthodox Metropolitan Athenagoras Peckstadt of the patriarchate of Constantinople, Laurent en René Trau of the Jewish community, Hicham Elmzair en Karim Chemlal of the Islamic community as well as representatives of Protestantism, the Anglican Church and the Eastern religions.
The Federal Government of the Kingdom of Belgium was represented by Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Pieter De Crem

In their interventions, the participants stressed the importance of the living together in peace and harmony between people of different religions, repeatedly reminding the war in Syria. Common concern has been expressed on the issue of the euthanasia legislation.
After breakfast an invitation was extended to meet again on the occasion of the International Meeting of the Community of Sant'Egidio titled "Peace is the Future - Religions and Cultures in Dialogue" which will be held in Antwerp from 7 to 9 September, 2014.

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