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February 26 2014 | ROME, ITALY

Great party last night in Sant'Egidio for the two new cardinals of the Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso

Archbishop of Abidjan Jean Pierre Kutwa and Archbishop of Ouagadougou Philippe Ouedraogo, bound by long friendship with the Community, presided over the prayer in the basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere

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Great party last night in Sant'Egidio for the two new cardinals of the Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. Archbishop of Abidjan Jean Pierre Kutwa and Archbishop of Ouagadougou Philippe Ouedraogo, who have participated for years in the conferences of the bishops that are friends of the Community, presided over the prayer in the basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere. In his preaching, Cardinal Ouedraogo recalled the friendship that binds Sant'Egidio to Africa and that has as its reference point the poor and peace: "I see you every day in Ouagadougou next to the prisoners, the street children, the elderly living alone: ​​you are for us and for our church a help to live the Gospel. And you witness it with force also here in Rome, every night, with your prayers. In this spirit of service to the universal Church and to the poor, I want to live the cardinalate to which I was called by Pope Francis".
After the prayer, the evening continued with a time of celebration in the house of the Community. At the end cardinal Kutwa thanked everyone for the long friendship of these years: "We worked together for peace in the Ivory Coast with the Community of Sant'Egidio: during the long crisis that divided the country, dialogue with the other religions, especially with Islam,  was the weapon with which we were able to prevent the conflict from becoming a war of religion. Together our Churches in West Africa can look with hope to a future of peace".

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