Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 22 - 10/26/2002




Also this year, the Community of Sant�Egidio, together with the Jewish Community of Rome has remembered the deportation of the Roman Jews, that took place on October 16th 1943, during the Nazi occupation of the city.
An International meeting, organized in the Campidoglio together with the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities, has dealt with the issue of �An Europe Free from Anti-Semitism�. At the end a march was held, that ended in the very centre of the old Jewish quarter, where �Square October 16th� was officially inaugurated.

It is an important sign when a city decides to commemorate in its toponomy such a tragedy which is a part of the larger tragedy of Shoah. This had been a proposal brought forth for a long time by the Community. It finally became concrete. It is also a way to say no to intolerance and to violence that are still hidden in every day�s life. As it happened in Rome, where a young immigrant has been attacked and almost killed.
Other memories have characterized these weeks, as that of witnesses of faith in the 20th Century. The marvellous icon placed in the church of S. Bartolomeo at the Isola Tiberina shows them.

There is no future without memory, and remembering is not ritualistic. Also the web-site helps to remember many far places and situations. And we are happy to communicate to all friends of Sant�Egidio Newsletter that, just today, our web-site has been awarded the WWW2002 � Il Sole 24 Ore prize as the best Italian site in the category of Associations.



10/24/02 - Trieste (Italy) - Together for the Future of Africa

10/22/02 - Albania - Aid Distribution in the Villages Struck by the Flood

10/21/02 - Meetings of Prayer on the Occasion of the Anniversary of Assisi 1986

10/17/02 - Napoli (Italy) - Event: There is no Future without Africa

10/15/02 - Rome - For a Europe without anti-Semitism: a Conference to Make Memory of the Deportation of the Roman Jews, on October 16th 1943

10/14/02 - Maputo (Mozambique) - October 4th: a Ceremony in the Square of Peace

10/12/02 - Budapest (Hungary) - Ceremony in Honour of the Chief Rabbi of Budapest



Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

10/19/02 - China - Court overturns death sentence of a Christian leader. � (IT-EN)

10/17/02 - Taiwan - First step toward the abolition for juveniles. � (EN)

10/15/02 - China - Court overturns death sentence of a Christian leader. � (IT)

Other issues

10/23/02 - Italy - On Oct. 26th Concert to save 3 inmates on death row. � (IT)

10/23/02 - USA - Divided Supreme Court: they Won't Review Juvenile Death Penalty. � (IT-EN)

10/23/02 - South Africa - 230 Death row Prisoners Still Awaiting Sentence Substitution. � (EN)

10/22/02 - Ohio/USA - Don't execute daughter's killer, parents plead. � (EN)

10/22/02 - China - Deng Chenhui was executed for embezzlement. � (EN)

10/20/02 - Texas/USA - Death case tests jury racial makeup;U.S. Supreme Court. � (EN)

10/20/02 - Saudi Arabia - Ayman Hazazi was executed. � (EN)

10/19/02 - Indonesia - Government to use death penalty against terrorism. � (IT)

10/19/02 - Nebraska/USA - Nebraska to use lethal injection: the electric chair will disappear. � (IT)

10/18/02 - Florida/USA - Death Row itself is death enough, survivor says. � (EN)

10/18/02 - Nigeria - Nigerians Unaware of Stoning Decree. � (EN)

10/17/02 - Armenia - Two death sentences. � (EN)

10/16/02 - Texas/USA - The U.S. Supreme Court to hear arguments in the case of Thomas Miller-El. � (EN)

10/16/02 - Idaho/USA - Possible new trial for Mark Lankford. � (EN)

10/16/02 - Florida/USA - Aileen Wuomos, 46, was executed. � (IT-EN)

10/15/02 - USA - Premio Nobel a Jimmy Carter, oggi contrario alla pena capitale. � (EN)

10/15/02 - Florida/USA - Critics say Jeb Bush is using Wuornos to get re-elected. (BBC). � (EN)

10/14/02 - Italy/USA - A book of Bianca Cerri with the letters from U.S. death rows. � (IT)

10/13/02 - Iran - Iran hanging stalled by heart attack. � (EN)

10/12/02 - USA - Death penalty doubts. No interest to Attorney General Ashcroft.� (EN)



october 27, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

october 28, Monday: Memory of the apostles
Memory of the apostle, Simon of Cana, called the Zealot and Jude, called Thaddeus.

october 29, Tuesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

october 30, Wednesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

october 31, Thursday: Memory of the Church

november 1, Friday: All Saints Day
Memory of all saints whose names are written in heaven. In communion with them we turn to the Lord, recognizing ourselves as His sons and daughters.

november 2, Saturday: Memory of Jesus crucified
Memory of all those who have fallen asleep in the Lord. Let us remember in particular those deceased who are not remembered by anyone, and all those who are dear to us.

november 3, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

november 4, Monday: Memory of the Poor
Memory of St. Charles Borromeo (+1584), bishop of Milan

november 5, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord
Memory of Zechariah, who remained mute because he did not believe the word of the Lord and of Elizabeth who, in her old age, conceived John the Baptist

november 6, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets
Beginning of the month of Ramadan for the Muslims

november 7, Thursday: Memory of the Church

november 8, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

november 9, Saturday: Sunday Vigil
Memory of the dedication of the cathedral of Rome, the basilica of the Savior and of Saints John the Baptist and the Evangelist in the Lateran. Prayer for the Church of Rome. Remembrance of �Kristallnacht�, the beginning of the Nazi persecution against the Jews.






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of the deportation
of the Jews of Rome




Ten years of peace in Mozambique




"Salz der Erde, Licht der Welt"

German Edition of the book on the "martyrs" of our time




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