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'Fazer Paz - a diplomacia de Sant'Egidio' está a venda

Na véspera do Quinquagésimo, um livro para entender o trabalho para a paz de Sant'Egidio

As palavras do Papa Francisco na marcha Paz em todas as terras

versão para impressão
11 Setembro 2011 10:00 | Agia Sophia Church

Munich 2011 - Address of the Metropolitan of Minsk and Sluck Filaret,


Orthodox Bishop, Ukrainian Church, Moscow Patriarchate

Address of the Metropolitan of Minsk and Sluck Filaret,
Patriarchal Hexarch of All Belarus
at the End of the Liturgy in the Munich Cathedral
11th September 2011

Your Eminence, dear Cardinal Reinhard Marx!
Dear brothers and dear sisters!

We have gathered in these days to take part in the International Meeting "Bound to Live Together. Religions and Cultures in Dialogue". I believe that addressing our prayer to the Creator is the best way to begin the work that lies ahead of us.
Our common desire to bear witness to the need and feasibility of peaceful coexistence among different religions and cultures to the world is what unites us all who have gathered here. We are aware of the unity of all humankind in its nature, and we commit ourselves to observe God's commandment of unity and love for one another.
With a grateful heart, I express the certainty that our meeting today is a step forward towards the unity commanded of us by our Creator.
I warmly greet and thank His Eminence, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, for the invitation to take part in this Congress and for the opportunity to meet His flock. Through His Eminence, please allow me to greet all the priests and religious brothers and sisters of His Archdiocese, who carry out a service of profound responsibility in the Church of Christ. For me it is a great joy to be here in this cathedral and meet you all, dear brothers and dear sisters.
I affectionately greet and thank also the Community of Sant'Egidio, and particularly Professor Andrea Riccardi, its founder, and Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, its spiritual Advisor. Your Community's is indeed an apostolic service, bringing people the love of Christ through its deeds of mercy and by preaching the Gospel. It is now many years that our Church cooperates fruitfully with the Community of Sant'Egidio. Your commitment not only does unfailingly arouse my personal appreciation and support, but it also produces good feelings among the pastors and faithful of our Church.
On behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church, please allow me to greet all the participants to our Meeting, and in prayer wish that our work be fruitful in the days of Congress ahead.
May God's peace and blessings be upon you all, dear brothers and dear sisters beloved in Christ!

12 Setembro 2017

LIVE STREAMING da conclusão de #PathsofPeace: às 17 horas oração cristã e às 18:30 cerimónia final

ES | FR | PT | CA
10 Setembro 2017

Andrea Riccardi: 'O desmesurado gigante da globalização precisa de alma'

IT | EN | DE | PT
10 Setembro 2017

MERKEL em #stradedipace: parar os traficantes de morte, abrir os canais legais. Obrigado a Sant'Egidio pelos #corridoiumanitari

IT | EN | DE | PT | NL
10 Setembro 2017

A cerimónia de inauguração #Pathsofpeace: ASSISTA AO VÍDEO

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10 Setembro 2017

Começa Caminhos de Paz em Münster - em milhares para a abertura. Chegou a Chanceler Angela Merkel, o grande Imã de Al-Azhar e centenas de representantes das religiões mundiais

IT | EN | DE | PT | NL
10 Setembro 2017

Papa Francisco no encontro "Caminhos de Paz": "para vencer a indiferença diante de guerras e violência. A Europa é mais aberta e unida"

IT | EN | ES | DE | PT | NL
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Andrea Riccardi - Oriente y Occidente - Diálogos de civilización

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