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November 10 2014 | GENEVA, SWITZERLAND

A delegation of the Community of Sant'Egidio meets the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross

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In the Geneva-based International Committee of the Red Cross, a meeting was held between a delegation of the Community of Sant'Egidio and the leaders of the International Committee of the Red Cross, led by President Peter Maurer.

For years, the ICRC and the Community of Sant'Egidio have cooperated in various areas of the world marked by conflict and humanitarian crises. In 2012, as part of the negotiations, conducted by Sant'Egidio for the resolution of the casamancese conflict in Senegal, they obtained the release of eight soldiers in the hands of groups of Casamance. The entire operation was carried out with the support and cooperation of the ICRC.

At the meeting in Geneva different crises were faced by agreeing on joint operations to secure the release of some hostages, to bring forward some peace processes, and to respond to humanitarian crises. Among the countries at the centre of the talks, in addition to Senegal, Central African Republic, South Sudan and the refugees in Northern Uganda, Libya and the Middle East with a particular attention to the issue of Syria and Iraq, as well as the peace negotiations for the conflict in Mindanao, Philippines.

Particular attention was then paid to the role of religions in conflicts. President Maurer expressed deep appreciation for the work of Sant'Egidio, not only in the work for peace, but also in the field of interreligious dialogue, an issue that he characterised as "strategic and of key importance" in the resolution of conflicts and humanitarian crises. The parties then agreed to quickly reach a formal agreement of cooperation and to meet again in the headquarters of Sant'Egidio to continue talks.

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