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September 24 2015

Gratitude for the words of Pope Francis to the US Congress: No to the death penalty!

A message of hope for a new humanism: "the world can only improve from the rehabilitation of those that were wrong"

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The speech of Francis to the US Congress had, in the passage of the abolition of the death penalty, its highest accents. Not only did the Pope remind all of the cruel and unnecessary revenge represented by a legal instrument that does not do justice but can only take away life: he also stated that any "punishment" must never exclude "the dimension of hope and the goal of rehabilitation".

With touching words inspired by the Gospel ("if we want security, let us give security; if we want life, let us give life; if we want opportunities, let us provide opportunities") he indicated to all States the need for legislations that are at the level of inclusive societies where ghettos, the walls that divide men, disappear. He launched a valuable message for the humanisation of a globalised world, but increasingly the victim of widespread violence that affects both individuals and entire peoples.

The Community of Sant'Egidio, which has for years been in the forefront of the battle for the abolition of capital punishment in the world, thanks Pope Francis for his support announced "to all those that are convinced" of the need to give hope and offer rehabilitation to those that were wrong. These words encourage us to intensify our commitment in all continents with the valuable and extensive network of personalities and ordinary citizens that have already joined our campaign with the result of thousands of "Cities for Life", municipalities in Europe, Africa, Asian and the Americas that have already chosen to stand against the death penalty.

May 17 2010

The V International Congress of Ministers of Justice, with the Title "From the Moratiorium to the Abolition of Death Penalty", was held in Rome on May 17th 2010. Delegations representing 30 countries took part to the event

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