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April 23 2016 | LVIV, UKRAINE

Ukraine: The Forum of Solidarity of the Youth for Peace in Lviv

The three days of the Ukrainian youth dedicated to peace and solidarity with the elderly and the homeless

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"Before coming here I thought that solidarity was an abstract idea, now I understand that you can live like this every day, with so many friends of the Movement of the Youth for Peace!". These are the words of a boy from Kiev that sum up well the "Forum of Solidarity", an event that has gathered Ukrainian youth of various cities in Lviv for three days, from 15 to 17 of April.

For three days, the Galician capital was the centre of a busy calendar of events dedicated to solidarity and to the work of the Youth for Peace. Lectures on various issues, in particular the elderly, the homeless, the Roma, Africa and peace were organised by the youth of Sant'Egidio in the two major universities in the city, the "Ivano-Franko" university and the Polytechnic Institute. Many people showed interest. A proposal was made to each to participate in a distribution of food to the homeless and in a party with the elderly in a nursing home, the largest one in the region, home to more than 400 people. Moments of celebration were spaced at intervals with reflection meetings.

On the last evening, a march for peace coloured the streets of the city centre and ended with an appeal in which the participants in the forum have pledged to live every day, in their cities, in the spirit of the Youth for Peace.

At a time when Ukraine continues to live a difficult time because of the situation in the Donbass and the economic and social situation of the country, the "Forum of Solidarity" was an important event of unity, hope and peace.



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