The city of Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, after the earthquake of October 1st is just a heap of rubbles. Most of the buildings of the city fell togteher with the Catholic hospital of Yos Sudarso, the cathedral and the houses of the ancient Chinese Quarter.
However everybody tries to live a normal life. Those who can returned to work and schools, even those who have no rooms any more, have reopened, maybe under a tent.
For many it is not easy to face the difficulty of a life without a house, the lack of supplies and sometimes of food.
This is why the Community of Sant'Egidio, that has never ceased to distribute emergnecy food aid, organized a huge feast for the children of the poorest districts of the city. In these areas the Schools of Peace of the Community have been working for years.
There were more than 300 people under the large tent in the square of Kampung Nias, one of the worst affected areas of the city. All of the participnat received, thanks to the collaboration of a local NGO (Peduli Kasih, of Surabaya), a school kit (books, notebooks, games fot the youngest).
c/c postale 807040
Comunità di S.Egidio-ACAP Onlus
IBAN: IT67D0760103200000000807040