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May 18 2010

"DIALOGUE BETWEEN FAITHS AND CULTURES. THE CHALLANGE OF COEXISTENCE": A day of study in Rome at the Community of Sant'Egidio

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A day of study with the title: "DIALOGUE BETWEEN FAITHS AND CULTURES. THE CHALLANGE OF COEXISTENCE" was held today ( May 18th 2010) in the Conference Hall of the Community of Sant'Egidio. It was organized by the Coommunity of Sant'Egidio and the Doha International Center of Interfaith Dialogue, that has its headquarter in Qatar.

The meeting was opened by a message of the President of the Republic of Italy, Mr Giorgio Napolitano and with a keynote address by Andrea Riccardi who recalled the importance of "understanding once again the words peace and dialogue, in this globalized world"

Aisha al-Manna’i Among the other speakers: Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni, Abdallah Redouane, Secretary General Of the Italian Islamic Cultural Centre, , Arrigo Levi, the Director od the Doha International Centre for Interfaith Dialogue, Yousuf Mahmoud Siddiqi, the new President of Ucoii Izzedin Elzir, and father Vittorio Ianari.

In her speech, Aisha al-Manna’i, Dean of the Faculty of Shari’a, at the University of Qatar, stressed the commitment of her country through the International Center of Interfaith Dialogue, in fostering "dialogue considered as a fundamental pillar". Salvatore Martinez Salvatore Martinez, president of the Movement "Rinnovamento nello Spirito Santo", also took part to the discussion. He, while talking about the spiritual crisis of our time, underlined the need of building a new humanism that starts from a culture of life, of inner growth and dialogue: only those who pray -  he said-  learn and live the awareness that the other is always a gift, never a problem. People of prayer are a reserve of hope for many."

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