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September 9 2010

Réportage from Malawi: Youth for Peace at the nutritional center "John Paul II" of Blantyre.

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In Blantyre an August unlike the others: the nutritional center "John Paul II", which already accommodates 350 children, has been busy for two weeks by the presence of the Youth for Peace from Rome.

All children participated in the activities of the movement the Rainbow country every morning, learning friendship, respect for others and the environment, equality, the beauty of living together even if different through games, drawings and animations. There were also games and entertainment for health education and celebrations with songs and dances - and movies! - to end the days.

On August 20, 85 children of the nutritional center and the activists participated in a trip to Zomba plateau, about two hours from Blantyre. It was a memorable day: the appointment at 8 in the morning already started with feast songs and games that have accompanied us throughout the journey.

None of the children had never been outside their village and everyone was glued to the windows of the bus along the route that took us up to 1800 meters in the middle of a cedar forest in a very special atmosphere. The children, divided into teams, participated in outdoor games and excursions to the waterfalls! Olipa, a girl of nine years wrote: "At Zomba we played many games, we saw the dam, the lake, we climbed the mountain ... we learned friendship! Zomba I loved it! "

Younger children, on Saturday, attended the "Olympics" organized at the nutritional center.



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