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May 18 2011

Pécs (Hungary) - More than 400 people participated in the march commemorating the deportation of Jews and Roma during the Nazi occupation.

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Pécs (Hungary) - More than 400 people participated in the march commemorating the deportation of Jews and Roma during the Nazi occupation.

On May 11 in Pècs, Hungary, for the sixth consecutive year, the Community of Sant'Egidio, with the city's Jewish community, commemorated with a march and a ceremony the deportation of Jews and Roma, which took place in 1944.

It was May 1944, in fact, when it was built in Pécs the ghetto where Jews and Gypsies were concentrated, around 4000 people coming from the city and nearby villages. All of them were deported to Auschwitz Birkenau in early July.

At the conclusion of the march was held a memorial ceremony. Among the interventions, the testimony of a survivor, Ervin Mitzki, the greeting of the Deputy Mayor Csaba Nagy, and the speech of János Nagy who, on behalf of the Community of Sant'Egidio, spoke about the dream that unites Roma and not Roma in front of the victims memory, and finally rabbi András Schönberger encouraged young people to stop hate by gestures of love.

Particularly significant was the presence of so many youth, especially high school kids, and the participation of 4 Members by the government. The march was attended by over 400 people.



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