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July 30 2011 | KENYA

Humanitarian Emergency in Africa Horn. The Community of Sant'Egidio distributed first aids in a district in Kenya

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Kenya - East Pokot, about 300 km north from Nairobi, is one of the poorest districts of Kenya. The volcanic land is dry. It doesn't give much even in ordinary time, now, with the terrible drought and famine that struck the whole Africa's Horn, people are suffering for starvation.

Here, in an area with no towns, and even no villages, about 130.000 people live in a very bad and poor condition (the level of illiteracy is 90%).



This is the first district where the aids of Sant'Egidio have been given: 9 tons of corn, delivered bya  delegation of the Communities of Rome and Nakuru.

People inlong queues wlaked for hours to gather in front of the rural churches of Kositei and Chemsik, where helps have been distributed to about a thousands families.

Children, women, men with and indefinite age, faces and bodies marked by poverty, have been  patiently waiting to get the sack of corn that will be useful to the family for several days, careful not to waste even one only, precious, grain. 

It's important to support this humanitarian action of the Community, to continue helping the people struck by the drought, here and in other districts of Kenya.

We are raising funds and ask contribution to all.
Donation can be done online NOW.


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