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March 11 2012 | ROME, ITALY

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of the Church of England, visits Sant’Egidio

Rowan Williams visited the Community with a delegation and attended the Liturgy in Santa Maria in Trastevere

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Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Church of England, visited Sant’Egidio while he was staying Rome where he met Pope Benedict XVI. Together with the Pope, they celebrated the vespers for the millenary of the transit of Gregory the Great.

The Anglican Archbishop, with his delegation, attended the liturgy in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere. At the end of the celebration, he took the floor to greet the Community, to which he is bonded to through a long friendship.

“The testimony and the life of the Community of Sant’Egidio are to me always an example of a high degree of Christian freedom – he said – In fact, Christian life is freedom from the spirit of slavery, while sin in the life of the world is generated by fear. In this time of Lent one needs to think about our freedom as disciples, who can live as non-conformist and make a difference in this world.”

At the end of the meeting, Andrea Riccardi, founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio, donated to the Archbishop an icon of Mary Hodegetria, made by the iconographic laboratory of the Community of Sant’Egidio..



October 9 2017

Dialogue among religions and commitment to refugees in the talks with the Foreign Minister of Indonesia at Sant'Egidio

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October 9 2017

German President Steinmeier visits the Community of Sant'Egidio: ''make the world a peaceful place''

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October 4 2017

A Conference remembering the 25 years from the signing of the peace in Mozambique: The Italian model that has given hope to Africa

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October 4 2017

25 years of peace in Mozambique: the history of a country getting out of war and poverty

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September 29 2017

Sunday of the Word of God, a celebration that puts Bible at center of liturgy and life

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The complete video of the closing ceremony of Paths of Peace 2017

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