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November 30 2012

World Day Cities for Life

From the Colosseum, flooded with light begins the Marathon for life

1600 cities say No to Death Penalty, for a World without violence. Let us follow all the events.

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Thursday, November 29th was the World Day "Cities for Life, for a world without the death penalty". It was launched ten years ago by the city of Rome with the Community of Sant'Egidio and supported by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.

Even the moon began to shine through the clouds, after a day of heavy rain, while many gathered in Rome for that event of peace that has warmed the square in front of the Colosseum: Max Giusti led the evening, accompanied by Gospel choir, poems of Dostoevsky and Victor Hugo read by Gigi Proietti.

Important were the voices of the witnesses who took turns on the stage telling their touching stories from Shujaa Graham and Fernando Bermudez, who, although innocent, had been sentenced to death for murders they never committed in the United States, the founder of the Texas Coalition against the Death Penalty, David Atwood, to Tamara Chikunova, founder of Mothers Against the Death Penalty.


La Giornata delle Città per la Vita è ufficialmente aperta con l'accensione del Colosseo

Video of the event at the Colosseum

The Video of TG1 (coming soon)

The spot "Cities for Life"

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The storify of the events


La Giornata delle Città per la Vita è ufficialmente aperta con l'accensione del Colosseo La Giornata delle Città per la Vita è ufficialmente aperta con l'accensione del Colosseo

The Colosseum, "Testimonial of Life" is celebrating in a special way this year for the abolition of the death penalty in Connecticut, the fifth U.S. state to abolish the death penalty (after New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Illinois). Its light opened the day that will link 1600 city for life throughout the whole world.




A Congress of Ministers of Justice

On the podium there were also Minister of Justice of various countries who have taken part to the 7th International Congress of Minister of Justice "For a World Without Death Penalty"

Look at the  NEWS and VIDEOS

Roma, 27 novembre 2012, il VII Congresso dei Ministri della Giustizia, per un  mondo senza pena di morte

The Web Site will propose images and news of the events that have been promoted by Cities fo Life. A Slideshow will show the images of the events that are submitted to us .


Click on the photos to enlarge

v La Giornata delle Città per la Vita è ufficialmente aperta con l'accensione del Colosseo
La Giornata delle Città per la Vita è ufficialmente aperta con l'accensione del Colosseo  
Why a world without death penalty is better. And possible. The speach of Mario Marazziti

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