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June 10 2013 | ANTWERP, BELGIUM

Sant'Egidio in prayer for bishops kidnapped in Syria

The Communities of Sant'Egidio in the world continue to pray for Mar Gregorios Ibrahim and Paul Yazigi.

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The Community of Sant'Egidio continues to pray for the release of two bishops from Aleppo, Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, the Syriac-Orthodox Archbishop and Mgr. Paul Yazigi, the Greek-Orthodox Metropolitan, kidnapped on 22 April in Syria.

The Community at Antwerpen met at St. Charles Borromeo’s Church on 7 June for an ecumenical prayer in which Mgr Peckstadt Athenagoras took part. Athenagoras is bishop of Sinope, auxiliary bishop of the Metropolitan of Belgium in Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

In his homily, the Metropolitan insisted on the value of peace, dialogue and living together, and gave a moving testimony about his personal friendship with the kidnapped bishops.

The homily  of Metropolitan Athenagoras

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