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July 1 2013

Long distance adoptions

Children that grow well in the nutritional centers of Sant'Egidio

There are hundreds at the tables, every day, in Matola, in Mozambique and in Blantyre, in Malawi. Thanks to the campaign "Donate a meal," sponsored by TIM, other 360 children will have the meal guaranteed for one year. Look at their happy faces in the photogallery

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With the funds raised through the campaign TIM “Donate a meal to a child”, 360 children who attend the nutritional centers of the Community of Sant'Egidio will receive a hot meal, which is rich and nutritious, every day for a year.

They will also have the opportunity to receive medical examinations and some basic health education. Everyone will have a gift: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap for personal hygiene, mosquito nets and water filters.

- The nutritional centers of the DREAM program in Africa

- The nutritional center of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Matola

    - A day in the nutritional center

Foster Care, Child Sponsorship Programme... (read more)

December 13 2017

The new church in the House of Friendship of the Community of Sant’Egidio in Blantyre has been inaugurated.

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October 28 2017

From the abyss to the light after 10 years: the true story of an injustice redeemed through love in Malawi

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October 5 2017

October 5th, World Teachers' Day 2017: Let everyone go to school... of language, culture, and peace!

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October 4 2017

A Conference remembering the 25 years from the signing of the peace in Mozambique: The Italian model that has given hope to Africa

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October 4 2017

25 years of peace in Mozambique: the history of a country getting out of war and poverty

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September 21 2017

'At the School of Peace' is now in Italian bookshops: a book that gives a voice to thousands of children in the global world.

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February 24 2018

A spasso per Milano aiutando l'Africa

February 19 2018

I 50 anni di Sant’Egidio. Intervista a Chiara Turrini, impegnata in Mozambico

February 15 2018
La Nazione

Un pasto per chi non ha nulla. Ecco come si può dare una mano

February 10 2018

50° Sant’Egidio: Gentiloni (presidente del Consiglio), “dalla condizione dei più deboli si misura il benessere autentico di una società”

February 4 2018

Raid xenofobo a Macerata. La Comunità di Sant’Egidio conforta i feriti

February 2 2018
el Periódico

La brújula de los sintecho

the entire press review
October 31 2014

Inaugurata a Bukavu la campagna "Città per la vita"

October 12 2014
All Africa

Africa: How the Death Penalty Is Slowly Weakening Its Grip On Africa

September 20 2014

In Ciad rischio criminalizzazione gay, ma abolizione pena morte

September 20 2014

Ciad: il nuovo codice penale prevede l'abolizione della pena di morte

go to no death penalty

''Entente de Sant'Egidio'': Political Agreement for Peace in the Central African Republic

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