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January 15 2014 | ROME, ITALY

Rabbi Abraham Skorka at Sant'Egidio: “What counts in life is to leave a sign”

On a visit to the Community, the rabbi of Buenos Aires commented on Psalm 1 at the prayer in Santa Maria in Trastevere

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 Friendship, dialogue and reflection on the Scripture characterised yesterday the visit to the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome by the rector of the Rabbinical Seminary of Buones Aires, rabbi Abraham Skorka.

In the afternoon, the rabbi, together with founder of the Community Andrea Riccardi, visited the People of Peace Centre and met the immigrants that find solidarity and help in the Centre.

Later, in the basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, Skorka told about the friendship that binds him to Pope Francis and their common dream to change the Argentinean society and the world. Commenting on Psalm 1, the rabbi then underlined the importance of personally choosing to do good and work for a good future for many: "Beyond the events in which we live, but by goodness, righteousness, love, we leave an impression, and said: "There is a rabbinic story that speaks of a young man who asks an elderly man who was planting a tree that would bear fruit after many years, the young man tells him - but what is the use of planting it if you will not eat its fruit? - and the elder replied - my father also planted a tree for me, and I plant trees for those who will come".

To work together to build a future of peace, confident that "the seal of spirituality and affection that we leave will not be lost. A dream that binds together rabbi Skorka and Pope Francis, a dream that the Community of Sant'Egidio is committed to preserving and growing in prayer, in friendship with the poor, in the work for peace.


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