Men and women, young and not so young people, from all over the world and for whom Italy has become their new home, met yesterday with the Community of Sant'Egidio to celebrate the 100th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Multiethnic lunches, parties, prayer and mass together: there were so many moments of friendship and solidarity that Sant'Egidio wanted to live with immigrants in different cities on this important day.
People of Peace friends, the students of the School of Italian Language and Culture of Sant'Egidio, people of all backgrounds, renewed their commitment to working together to spread in our cities the culture of welcoming, living together and peace. The event was an opportunity to remember those who did not manage to arrive in our country, like so many Eritreans drowned near Lampedusa last summer, and some of the survivors participated by giving their testimonies.
The Day was also an opportunity to congratulate the "new" citizens, as Elimane, who, after years of waiting and bureaucratic obstacles, with Sant'Egidio’s support, was finally able to be officially recognised for what, in fact, he has always been: an Italian citizen.