Young people for peace of Catania represented, in the emergency of the refugees in recent months, an important resource for the whole city and Sicily.
Andrea Riccardi met them on 27 February in the church of Santa Chiara, headquarters of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Catania.
The meeting was attended by two hundred young people from different cities of Sicily and, among these, a group of youth of the Community that are guests of the receipt centre C.A.R.A. of Mineo.
The next day, Andrea Riccardi received the award "Silver Elephant" from the hands of mayor of Catania Enzo Bianco that has spoke with words of appreciation and affection for the Community of Sant'Egidio
"The silver Elephant for the Community of Sant'Egidio is a symbolic recognition for what the Community is in Italy and in the world, where it is bearer of peace and inter-religious and inter-ethnic dialogue, but also and above all for what it did in Catania in times of emergency, such as the landing of migrants, or where there is a need to help people that are suffering: they are Italian or not, there is always an open door, a meal, encouragement".
On receiving the award , Andrea Riccardi has wished for Catania a "place not only in Sicily , not only in Italy , but in the middle of the Mediterranean" adding how the search for this position "is something that touches deep into the Community of Sant'Egidio , which today has become more Catanian than before".
The afternoon was devoted to the presentation of the latest book by prof. Riccardi "The surprise of Pope Francis." At Sangiorgi Theatre in Catania a lively dialogue between the author and Bishop Antonino Raspanti, Bishop of Acireale, entertained an attentive audience of about three hundred participants.