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يونيو 8 2010

Malawi - For the goodwill of the children

نسخة قابلة للطباعة

Community of St Egidio from Italy last Friday opened a children feeding centre at Machinjiri in Blantyre. The establishment of the centre would enable school going children to have a decent lunch after classes. President of St Egidio Professor Marco Impagliazzo said the children have a right to eat good food. The picture shows Impagliazzo unveiling the plaque to mark the official opening of the centre.

Picture by Bones Julius

 اقرأ أيضا
• أخبار
ديسمبر 13 2017
بلانتير, ملاوي

The new church in the House of Friendship of the Community of Sant’Egidio in Blantyre has been inaugurated.

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | NL | PL | HU
أكتوبر 28 2017
بلانتير, ملاوي

From the abyss to the light after 10 years: the true story of an injustice redeemed through love in Malawi

IT | EN | ES
يوليو 13 2017
ليلونغوي, ملاوي

Let's fill the gap with the poor: Sant'Egidio in Lilongwe renewes the commitment of the poorest in Malawi

IT | EN | ES | DE | NL | ID
أكتوبر 13 2016
بانغي, جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى

A delegation of the Community of Sant'Egidio meets the President of the Central African Republic Touadéra

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | RU | HU
سبتمبر 30 2016
بلانتير, ملاوي

Thirst for Peace: the public role of young people for peace, dialogue and development

IT | EN | ES | FR | ID
أغسطس 30 2016

The lesson of Mozambican refugees in Luwani to the Youth for Peace: Hope is stronger than evil

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA | RU
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