Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Year 2 - Number 10 - 05/11/2002




Is it possible that the Gospel is not for everyone? Is it possible that the encounter with Jesus is just for some and not for all? Can there be insurmountable obstacles that prevent some people from meeting Jesus and the Gospel? This is the starting point of the book �Jesus as a Friend� that we present in this number of Sant�Egidio Newsletter. Mental disability has often been considered a barrier difficult to overcome in the communication of the Gospel, even if Jesus himself came for the �sick and not for the healthy�.

But it is not possible that the core of happiness, the communication of the Gospel and the closeness to Jesus, is precluded to those who live a mental disability. This conviction was at the root of the experience of catechesis of the Community of Sant�Egidio with those people who suffer from mental disability and it is also at the base of this book. Here we may find fifteen years of work, friendship, attempts, results and confirmation. They tell us that it is possible to help everyone to find his or her personal relationship with the Gospel whatever existential or expressive difficulties they may be living. The �heart� is at the centre, and by the way the heart is also the centre of men and women according to the Bible itself. Many are the fruits of the centrality of the heart. Within the life of the Community those who suffer from mental disabilities have become teachers in friendship, they are close to the elderly, they defend those people who are sentenced to death, they paint pictures full of colours that, when sold during the exhibition �No more Gray�, contributed to the initiatives of solidarity with Africa. They are, and they say it with understandable pride: Friends with no limits.

We can see this in the section of the Web Site dedicated to Mental Disability: �Mentally Disabled�, �Friends with No Limits�; �The Voice of the Friends�, �The Friends�. It is worthwhile to visit these rooms, so full of colours, full of ideas and � of friendship to discover that indeed �diversity is the joy of the world�.



05/10/02 - Books: "Jesus our Friend" an Evangelical Route with the Disabled People

05/10/02 - Germany - "The Tears of Erfurt Must not be Shed in Vain"

05/10/02 - "Long Live the Elderly" Supports the anti-AIDS Program in Mozambique

05/06/02 - The International Prize Montessori "Education and Peace" has been Awarded to the Community of Sant'Egidio

05/06/02 - The Community of Sant'Egidio Commemorates Assuntina

05/06/02 - Padova (Italy) - A Child form Guinea Bissau has Come to Italy to be Treated

05/03/02 - Maputo (Mozambique) - Training Course for the Employment of Retroviral drugs

05/03/02 - Prayer in Memory of the Witnesses of Faith in the XX Century

05/02/02 - The Community of Sant'Egidio in Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land

05/02/02 - Aid for the Afghan Refugees Left Rome

05/02/02 - Budapest (Hungary) - Conference "Mozambique at the Dawn of the New Millennium"

04/29/02 - The Movement "The Friends" is also on "Superabile"

04/28/02 - Antwerpen (Belgium) - Thanksgiving Liturgy for the Anniversary of the Community



The commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio

05/09/02 - Germany - On May 3rd in Berlin there was a public meeting organized by the Sant'Egidio Community, at the biggest university in the city, within the campaign to abolish the death penalty. Sam Sheppard spoke about his experience as a murder victim. (IT-EN)

05/08/02 - Indiana/USA - H.E. Mgr. Joseph Dale MELCZEK, the Catholic Bishop of GARY, Indiana (USA) signed the appeal supporting the International Campaign of Sant�Egidio Community for a World moratorium of the death penalty.

05/06/02 - Italy - Bill Pelke (Journey of Hope�, one of the most important associations against death penalty in the US), will be in Northern Italy on May 6th-10th with the Community of Sant�Egidio, for a series of public conferences. (IT)

04/29/02 - Texas/USA - Urgent Appeal - Henry Earl Dunn - 27 years old - is scheduled for execution on may 14, 2002 (EN)

Abolitions, commutations, moratoria, ...

05/09/02 - Pennsylvania/USA - Thomas H. Kimbell is the 101st former death row inmate who was exonerated and freed. (EN)

05/08/02 - European Union - Council of Europe Rule Out Death Penalty even in Wartime.US and Japan invited to cease the cruel punishment. (IT-EN)

05/03/02 - Iran - Gholam Ramazanifar, was granted a stay of the execution and then a commutation, on request of the victim�s family, when the rope was already on his neck.� (IT)

05/02/02 - Texas/USA - Supreme Court halts execution of Curtis Moore, 34,mentally retarded.� (IT-EN

05/01/02 - UN - UN Human Rights Commission approved resolution for the abolition of death penalty presented by EU. (IT-EN)

Other issues

05/07/02 - USA - Judge Questions the Constitutionality of Federal Death Penalty on the ground that innocent people are being sentenced to death "with a frequency far greater than previously supposed. (IT-EN)

05/06/02 - Sud Carolina/USA - Richard Charles Johnson, 39, was executed. (IT-EN)

05/06/02 - Italy - On May 7th Mario Marazziti will present the new book of Aldo Forbice �I signori della morte�, a map of the countries which still use death penalty. (IT)

05/05/02 - Texas/USA - Nine executions in Texas in next 4 1/2 weeks. (IT-EN)

05/05/02 - USA - According to New York Times Democrats should take the high ground on capital punishment, as a gutsy Republican Governor George Ryan of Illinois did. (EN)

05/04/02 - Illinois/USA - Another look at capital punishment Penalty: An Illinois panel's study again raises the question whether state-sanctioned killing is a fair form of punishment.� (EN)

05/04/02 - Maryland/USA - The death penalty deception. The case of Wesley Eugene Baker illustrates the racist and arbitrary nature of death row. (EN)

05/04/02 - China - Ten people were executed in Eastern China. (IT)

05/03/02 - Nigeria - Islamic prosecutors seek death penalty for Christian converts, but judge avoids death sentence. (EN)

05/03/02 - Saudi Arabia - Eid bin Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Assiri was beheaded. (EN)

05/03/02 - Tennessee/USA - Supreme Court to consider case of Tennessee, with possible Consequences on numerous pending cases.�(IT-EN)

05/02/02 - Texas/USA - Texas Executes Rodolfo Hernandez, 52, the One-Legged Inmate, after denying him a request to be fitted with a prosthetic device (so he could walk to his death "like a man"). (IT-EN)

05/01/02 - European Union/USA - EU to propose an agrement with US on extradition, only without death penalty. (IT)

04/30/02 - USA - Alabama abolishes electric chair: Nebraska Only State which uses it. (EN)

04/30/02 - Iran - Six men were hanged in Teheran. (IT)

04/30/02 - Texas/USA - Judge sets May 28 execution date for Beazley. (EN)

04/29/02 - Ohio/USA - Alton Coleman, 46 anni, � stato messo a morte.� (IT-EN)

04/29/02 - New York/USA - Andrew Cuomo, the son of Mario Cuomo, who was famous for his opposition to death penalty, is the new Democrat candidate to be Governor of New York.� (IT)

04/28/02 - USA - Supreme Court Looks at Death Penalty: death sentences passed by one judge and then the mentally retarded. (EN)

04/28/02 - Cuba - The President of Human Rights Commission in Cuba, Elizardo Sanchez said that Fidel Castro�s Government took many steps forward and imposed a de-facto moratorium of executions lasting 2 years.� (IT)

04/28/02 - Caribbean states� - Amnesty condemns death penalty in English-speaking Caribbean states. (EN)

04/27/02 - Arizona/USA - Ariz. Case Could Affect Death Penalty.� (EN)

04/27/02 - USA - The System Dances With Death (New York Times). (EN)



may 12, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Ascension Sunday. Memory of Saint Pancrazio, a 14 year-old martyr who died for his love of the Gospel. Prayer for the young, that they might encounter the Gospel and the Lord.

may 13, Monday: Memory of the Poor

may 14, Tuesday: Memory of the apostles
Memory of Saint Matthias, apostle.

may 15, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

may 16, Thursday: Memory of the Church

may 17, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified
For Jews, today begins the festival of �Shavout� (Feast of the Weeks, that is, Pentecost)

may 18, Saturday: Sunday Vigil

may 19, Sunday: Liturgy of the Sunday
Pentecost Sunday

may 20, Monday: Memory of the Poor

may 21, Tuesday: Memory of the Mother of the Lord

may 22, Wednesday: Memory of the Saints and the Prophets

may 23, Thursday: Memory of the Church

may 24, Friday: Memory of Jesus crucified

may 25, Saturday: Sunday Vigil






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"Jesus our Friend"

Evangelical Route
with the Disabled People



The Montessori International Prize
"Education and Peace"

Awarded to the Community of Sant'Egidio



Support the Community of Sant'Egidio

with credit card, through secure transaction



May 26th
"La scuola
� bella"

International Gathering of the "Rainbow Country"





Aid for the Refugees
left Rome



"Journey of Hope"
against death penalty

a series of public conferences
in Northern Italy



Help us to save Dominique Green



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