The Community of Sant'Egidio has been present in the indigenous area of Guatemala for more than twenty years. In recent years, the effects of the economic crisis have been severely felt in the small village of Cahabon, which is already very poor. In particular, this critical situation has been experienced by the elderly who live alone and who are "invisible" in the scattered houses around the village. Sometimes, the seniors also become the victims of neglect and contempt.
For several months, specifically every Sunday, 70 elderly poor people have been gathering for lunch in the house of the Community. In addition to food support, these days have become a real celebration and a sign of friendship received with great joy. Furthermore, the elderly are invited by using their name. Hence, they come out of anonymity and find a real family on the day of the celebration. Many persons are mobilizing to help the community to find resources (including other ecclesial movements and the parish) because they understand that "no one is so poor that he or she cannot help another individual".