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July 17 2015

End of the conference of the representatives of Sant'Egidio in Mozambique: Africa towards the Jubilee of Mercy

Women, globalisation, relations between generations. There is that and much more on the agenda of the Mozambican Communities for next year.

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 They concluded with a prayer of thanksgiving the conference of the representatives of the communities in Mozambique in the presence of the Youth for Peace of Maputo.

 The communities gathered in Maputo received with joy the invitation of Pope Francis to live the Holy Year of Mercy. Initiatives were thought during the Jubilee with the children of the School of Peace, the elderly, the prisoners, the homeless and the sick of the DREAM centres.

The conference also reflected on the effects of globalisation in the Mozambican society, highlighting the necessity of creating places of meeting and service to the poor for young people, which are a response to the only virtual reality. It was also decided to expand the meeting between young people and the elderly and to take action for the advancement of women.  

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