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August 3 2015 | HIROSHIMA, JAPAN

War never again: in Hiroshima the Nuclear Disarmament Symposium on the 70th anniversary of the Atomic Bomb

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Nuclear Disarmament Symposium
On the 70th anniversary of the Atomic Bomb


Hiroshima, August 6, 2015

70 years are passing from the moment of the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Explosion of atomic bombs at one moment destroyed the precious lives of tens of thousands of people and even now some tens of thousands of hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) are suffering from the aftereffects of bombing. Still more than sixteen thousands nuclear bombs which can cause indescribable tragedies on humankind in the world.

It is aimed that the symposium will provide the forum to engage in an open dialogue among religious leaders and experts on disarmament from within and outside of the country and to identify the urgently needed action in this present world where the international community cannot abandon vast number of nuclear arsenals in many parts of the world even after 70 years from the moment of dropping of the atomic bombs.

It is sincerely hoped that this symposium can be most valuable and fruitful occasion to clearly identify present day agenda for further promotion of nuclear disarmament. By focusing recent discussion of the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons the symposium proposes dynamic steps toward the complete abolition of nuclear weapons.

We would like to share the proposal with hopes and visions from this symposium with globally wider circle of political, religious and cultural leaders and to call the international community to take further actions for elimination of nuclear weapons.

The symposium is organized by the Community of Sant’Egidio, Religions for Peace Japan, the Japan Religious Committee for World Federation, and is supported by the City of Hiroshima, the Association of Religions of Hiroshima Prefecture and the Embassy of Italy in Japan.

(if you can't see ther programme below, click here)




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