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April 28 2016 | ROME, ITALY

The chairman of the Indonesian parliament visits the Community of Sant'Egidio

The meeting with Andrea Riccardi and Marco Impagliazzo to promote dialogue between religions and the defence of life

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The chairman of the Indonesian parliament, Zulkifli Hasan, with a delegation of parliamentarians from different parties, visited yesterday the headquarters of the Community of Sant'Egidio, where he met Andrea Riccardi and Marco Impagliazzo, along with a delegation of the Community.

At the centre of the talks, the need to intensify cooperation to promote dialogue between the religious elements in Indonesian society, whose traditional multiculturalism should be protected from the challenge of radical forces that, though minorities, can cause fractures in the social fabric.

The meeting is part of a long and fruitful relationship of dialogue and cooperation between the Community of Sant'Egidio and Indonesia. A few months ago, last November, the president Hasan had housed, at the headquarters of the Parliament, the interreligious conference on the theme "Dialogue among religions for coexistence and peace”,




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