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January 29 2010

The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, His Holiness Kirill, confers to Andrea Riccardi the Order of St. Sergius, one of the highest honors of the Orthodox Church

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The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, His Holiness Kirill, awarded to Andrea Riccardi, the Order of St. Sergius, one of the highest honors of the Orthodox Church, for the following reasons:

"Along with the highest appreciation for your scientific merits, I would stress that throughout your professional life and your public activities you have always been a Christian witness, placing the Good News of the Gospel at the center of  your life.

The Community of Sat'Egidio, that you founded, takes care of those who are marginalized in Italy and other countries of the world and teaches to many Catholic Christians to see Christ in all the suffering people.
Even your personal contribution to interfaith dialogue is of great importance.

I particularly appreciate the mutual understanding and cooperation that have existed for many years between the Community of Sant'Egidio and the Russian Orthodox Church. It is gratifying to see that our fruitful cooperation is based on common adherence to the ideal of selfless service to God and neighbor. I think that is a model worthy of further developments for the Orthodox-Catholic dialogue.

In view of these merits, you are rightly awarded the Order of St. Sergius.

Cyril, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia "

March 28 2017

Homeless gather for prayer in Moscow with Sant'Egidio at the end of the long russian winter

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February 28 2017

Abuna Matthias, Patriarch of Ethiopian Church, sent a letter of gratitude and appreciation to Sant'Egidio

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January 10 2017

Christmas with the poor in Russia and Ukraine: the warmth of friendship in the cold winter

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January 9 2017

Zygmunt Bauman: a great humanist has passed away. He engaged in dialogue between nonbelievers and believers, aimed at living together and peace

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December 20 2016

Community of Sant'Egidio in Pakistan awarded by the Ministry of Human Rights for its commitment with the poor

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October 8 2016

Letter of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Marco Impagliazzo, president of the Community of Sant'Egidio

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February 1 2018

50° Comunità Sant’Egidio: Hilarion (Patriarcato di Mosca), “la nostra una collaborazione che ha dato tanti buoni frutti”

January 30 2018

Corridoi umanitari: la collaborazione ecumenica via della speranza

January 26 2018
POW - Pressestelle des Ordinariates Würzburg

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Roma sette

Ecumenismo, in processione con anglicani, luterani e ortodossi

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November 22 2017

Torna il premio Guidarello

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January 23 2018 | BARCELONA, SPAIN

Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos


Ahmad Al Tayyeb - Oriente e Occidente - Dialoghi di civiltà - Parigi 2016

Andrea Riccardi - Oriente e Occidente - Dialoghi di civiltà

Walter Kasper

Laudatio per il prof. Andrea Riccardi in occasione del conferimento del Premio Umanesimo 2016 a Berlino

Milano 2015: Preghiera e incontri ecumenici con i poveri

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