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June 9 2010

The condition of the poor in the South African cities at the centre of the meeting of the South African Communities in Johannesburg

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The Communities of  Sant’Egidio of South Africa (Johannesburg, Pretoria and Polokwane) gathered to reflect, in the spirit of Pentecost, on the service to the poor with special reference to the schools of peace and the homeless.

Many of the homless, in fact, and among them many young immigrants and minors, are chased away from thei normal living areas because of the coming World Cup.

The Community, considering the approaching cold season, is ready to follow them with even greater care.

November 25 2017

Thanksgiving with the poor in New York

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October 5 2017

October 5th, World Teachers' Day 2017: Let everyone go to school... of language, culture, and peace!

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September 21 2017

'At the School of Peace' is now in Italian bookshops: a book that gives a voice to thousands of children in the global world.

September 1 2017

September 1st, memory of Saint Egidio. The Community that took his name give thanks in every part of the world

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August 1 2017

The Saturday night of Pretoria's Sant'Egidio youth with the poor: story of a contagious solidarity

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July 18 2017

Berlin's youth message to Europe: No More Walls

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all the news
March 13 2018

Flucht, Abi, Studium

February 26 2018

Emergenza freddo. Rifugi e parrocchie aperte ai senza dimora

February 26 2018

Emergenza freddo. Rifugi e parrocchie aperte ai senza dimora

February 25 2018

Kardinal Marx fordert mehr Engagement für Einheit der Menschen

February 25 2018

„Gräben zuschütten, Spaltungen überwinden“

February 25 2018

"Gräben zuschütten"

the entire press review

La guida "Dove mangiare, dormire, lavarsi a Napoli e in Campania" 2016

Sintesi, Rapporti, Numeri e dati sulle persone senza dimora a Roma nel 2015

Dove Napoli 2015

Comunità di Sant'Egidio: Brochure Viva gli Anziani

Analisi dei risultati e dei costi del programma "Viva gli Anziani"

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