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May 28 2013 | TIRANA, ALBANIA

Young and old: the "letter of Anna" sparks a movement of solidarity

in universities and colleges in Tirana

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This month of May 2013 was a propitious time for the youth of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Tirana to speak to the youth of the city about their service to the elderly. 
From May 7 to 23 
five conferences in two universities (the state and one private)  and one of the most important schools of the Albanian capital were carried outHundreds of children, including college and high school students, were able to hear - in their own language - the touching words of "Anna's letter" , in which a woman of 82 who has left her house to live at a "specialized" institution,  wants to spend "an hour of her time" to visit an old man. This is an appeal welcomed by many young people who give their time and willingness to help. Elders, in Albania, representabout 7.5% of the population. Although lower than the European average, this is expected that in the future this percentage is expected to grow. For many the old age, especially in this time of crisis, coincides with the entry into the world of poverty. Because of the very low pensions, more and more elderly people give up a proper health care. In the cities, because of the crisis of the family and emigration, growing loneliness of those who get older. For some time, the youth of the Community of Sant'Egidio have regularly visited the elderly of the Home of the Sisters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, at the center of Tirana. This friendship is a real struggle for life, a way to remove "the early death of loneliness" as a young boy said during a conference.


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