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June 28 2013 | MONACO

Prayer for Domenico

young man victim of an inexplicable violence. Hundreds of young people gathered in Munich

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On Wednesday June 26, in Buergersaalkirche, a beautiful baroque church in the historic center of Munich, about 300 young people gathered to pray in memory of Domenico Lorusso, a 31-year-old engineer, the victim of an aggression by a stranger while he was walking in the city. Dominic had lived in Germany with his girlfriend for some time, after having travelled to different countries seeking a place where to build his family, and here he had joined his colleagues, had begun to help the poor and to witness to his faith.

The episode of about a month ago, with inexplicable and unprovoked violence, had greatly disturbed the population of the Bavarian capital, who thus wanted to show friendship and closeness to the young girlfriend and his friends.

The prayer was organized by the Sant'Egidio Community, which meets at Sankt Sylvester’s Church weekly for the evening prayer, and has questioned this tragedy by gathering around the Gospel to humbly respond to violence. The prayer was a great source of consolation for all the participants, most of them Domenico’s friends or colleagues, and also an invitation to work for a peaceful coexistence in the city of Munich and to act against violence in our hearts and ina preghiera è stata organizzata dalla Comunità di Sant'Egidio che si riunisce settimanalmente per la preghiera serale nella chiesa di Sankt Sylvester, e che si è interrogata su questa tragedia raccogliendosi intorno al Vangelo per rispondere in maniera umile alla violenza. La preghiera è stata una grande fonte di consolazione per tutti i partecipanti, per la maggior parte amici o colleghi di Domenico, ed un invito a lavorare per una convivenza pacifica nella città di Monaco di Baviera e per agire contro la violenza nel nostro cuore e nella città the city.

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